We’re launching a new initiative to expand our community at Astronomy for Teens. We are excited to announce that every month, we will select a current or aspiring amateur astronomer to feature on our site.
Our features will be formatted like an interview, except responses will be written-out rather than a verbal Q&A style.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a student, an astrophotographer, or a beginner or expert astronomer. All we ask is that you simply share our fascination for the find the field of astronomy and science. The goal is to highlight the wonders of observing, studying, reading, and talking about space. No matter your age or knowledge base, we would love to hear from you!
If you’d like to participate or have any questions, please send an email of interest to astronoteen@gmail.com.
This project serves as the first step to beginning our new Celestial Community. Members are individuals who follow Astronomy for Teens and have been featured for an interview. As our community grows, entry points will expand through more projects.
The Celestial Community aims to provide our readers with a sense of home in the amateur astronomy community and the opportunity to connect with others and share their stories.
We look forward to watching our community grow, and hope to hear from you.
Keep looking up!